

Here you will find Children's Bible Stories from the New Testament.

Feel free to print and use all the stories.

May the Lord bless all of you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cornelius and Peter

Cornelius and Peter
Chapter 1…..Cornelius Sends for Peter…..Acts 10:1-8
Chapter 2…..The men go to find Peter…..Acts 10:9-17
Chapter 3…..Peter Visits Cornelius…..Acts 10: 17-33
Chapter 4…..Peter Tells Cornelius About Jesus…..Acts 10:34-48

Chapter 1…. Cornelius Sends for Peter
This story is taken from Acts 10:1-8

In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer by the name of Cornelius.  Now, Cornelius was a captain of the Italian soldiers.  He was a very religious man, for he worshiped God, and so did everyone in his household.  He was always praying to God, and helping the people who were poor.

About three o’clock one afternoon, Cornelius had a vision.  He saw an angel from God, and the angel called him by name.  Cornelius was surprised and he looked at the angel in terror.  Then he asked the angel what he wanted.  The angel told Cornelius that God had heard his prayers and God saw how he helped the people who were poor.  That he was to send some men down to the city of Joppa.  That these men were to find a man named Simon Peter.  Peter would be staying with a man named Simon, who did leather worker.  That Simon’s home was near the sea.  The men Cornelius sent were to ask Peter to go with them to visit Cornelius.

As soon as the angel left, Cornelius called for two of his household servants and one of his soldiers.  These men also worshiped God.  He told the men about the angel and what the angel told him.  Then Cornelius sent the three men to the city of Joppa to find Peter.

 After the question write the letter that will answer the question
1.       Who is Cornelius? 
a.       With a man named Simon
2.       What time was it when Cornelius had a vision?
b.      Two of his household servant  and one of his soldiers
3.       Who told Cornelius that God had heard his prayers? 
c.       Peter
4.       How did Cornelius act when he saw the angel?
d.      a captain of the Italian soldiers

5.       Who did Cornelius send to the city of Joppa?
e.      He was surprised and looked  at the angel in terror
6.        Who were the men trying to find?
f.        Three o’clock in the afternoon
7.       Where was Peter staying?
g.       An angel

Chapter 2…The men go to find Peter

This story is taken from Acts 10:9-17

As Cornelius men were getting close to the city of Joppa, Peter who was staying in Joppa went up on the roof of the house to pray to God.  The roofs of the houses back in the time of Peter were flat with stairs on the outside of the house, and these stairs lead up to the rooftop. 

It was getting close to noon so Peter became very hungry.  While Peter was waiting for the food to be cooked, he fell asleep.  While Peter slept he had a vision.  He saw heaven open, and something came down from heaven, that looked like a huge sheet.  The sheet was being held up by the four corners.  In the sheet were all kinds of animals, and birds.  Then Peter heard a voice say, “Peter, get up!  Kill these and eat them.”

But Peter didn’t want to break the Jewish law, so he said, “Never Lord!  I have never in all my life eaten anything that is forbidden to be eaten by the Jewish laws.”  But the voice spoke again, “If God says that something can be used for food, don’t say it’s not fit to eat.”  Now this happened three times before the sheet was suddenly taken back up into heaven.

Peter kept thinking, “What could this vision mean?”  But just then the men Cornelius send to find Peter was outside the house at the gate.

1.        Where did Peter go to pray?
a.       Never!  I have never eaten anything that is forbidden to be eaten by the Jewish laws.
2.       What was the vision Peter had on the roof?
b.      Kill and eat
3.       In Peter’s vision of the sheet with the animals, he heard a voice.  What did the voice say?
c.       If God says that something can be used for food, don’t say it’s not fit to eat.”
4.       In Peter’s vision of the sheet with the animals, he heard a voice say “Kill and eat.”  What was Peter’s answer?
d.      Roof of the house
5.       In Peter’s vision of the sheet with the animals, Peter had said that he never ate anything that was forbidden by the Jewish laws.  What did the voice tell Peter?
e.      Three
6.       In Peter’s vision of the sheet with the animals, how many times did the sheet come down?
f.        A sheet came down from heaven with animals in it

Chapter 3…Peter visits Cornelius
This story is taken from Acts 10: 17:-33

Remember Cornelius men are outside the house at the gate.  They asked Simon if this was the house that Peter was staying at.  Peter was still on the roof trying to figure out what the vision of the animals in the sheet meant.  The Holy Spirit told Peter that three men were looking for him.  That he should go down and go with the men.  That Peter shouldn’t worry about going with them, for he had sent them.
So Peter went down from the roof and told the men that he was the man they were looking for.  And Peter wanted to know why they were looking for him for.

The men told Peter that Cornelius, a Roman officer had sent them to find him.  That Cornelius was a good man and he worshiped the God of Israel, and the Jewish people liked Cornelius.   Also the men told Peter that an angel from God told Cornelius to send for him, so Peter could teach them.  Peter invited the men to stay for the night.  The next morning Peter and some of the other believers of Jesus went with the men to Caesarea.  They arrived in Caesarea the following day and Cornelius was waiting for them.  Cornelius had invited his relatives and close friends to come to his house to meet Peter.
When Peter got to Cornelius house, Cornelius greeted him.  Then he kneeled at Peter’s feet and started to worship him.  But Peter pulled Cornelius up and said, “Stand up! I am a man just like you!”  Then they went inside the house, talking as they went in.  There were many people inside Cornelius house.   Peter told them, it was against the Jewish law for him to go into anyone’s house who wasn’t a Jew.  But God had shown him that no one was unclean or unfit.  So as soon as you sent for me, I came.  Now tell me why you have sent for me.  Then Cornelius told Peter how four days ago at three o’clock in the afternoon, he was praying to God, when suddenly a man in bright clothes was standing in front of him.  The angel told me to send for you and you would tell us about the Lord.
  1. In the story of Peter and Cornelius, who was Cornelius?
  1. Peter could tell him about the Lord
  1. In the story of Peter and Cornelius, where did Cornelius live?
  1. Peter
  1. In the story of Peter and Cornelius, an angel visited Cornelius.  Who did the angel tell Cornelius to go and find?
  1. Caesarea
  1. In the story of Peter and Cornelius, Why did the angel tell Cornelius to find Peter?
  1. A Roman Officer

Chapter 4…Peter tells Cornelius about Jesus
This story is taken from Acts 10:34-48
When Cornelius told Peter what the angel had said, Peter told Cornelius that he saw very clear that God treated all people alike.   For God was pleased with everyone who fears and worship him and did what was right, no matter what nation they come from.  Peter said he was sure Cornelius had heard about what was taught to the people of Israel, when God sent Jesus Christ, the Lord of all, to offer peace.  And Cornelius I am sure you know what happened all through Judea.  It all began in Galilee after John the Baptist began preaching and telling everyone to be baptized.  And no doubt, you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.  Then Jesus went around doing good things and healing all people who were under the power of the devil, for God went with Him.

We apostles all saw what Jesus did all through Israel and in Jerusalem.  Jesus was put to death, for He was nailed on a cross.  But God raised Jesus from the dead, three days later.  Then God allowed Jesus to be seen by some people, so they would know that He was risen from the dead..  But all people didn’t see Jesus, only the people who God had already chosen saw Jesus.  We apostles ate and had something to drink with him after He rose from the dead.  Jesus commanded us to preach to the people telling them that Jesus Christ is the one who God chosen to judge people who are living as well as those who are dead.  Jesus is the one who all the prophets told about saying that everyone who believes in Him will have their sins forgiven in Jesus’ name.

Even as Peter was telling this to Cornelius and those with him, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who had heard the message that Peter gave.  The Jewish believers who came with Peter to Cornelius’ house were surprised that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles, too.  Gentiles are people who aren’t Jews.  But, the Jewish believers had no doubt about it, for they heard the gentiles speaking in tongues and praising God.

Then Peter said, “Can anyone keep these people from being baptized, with water now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.  So Peter then gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  Afterward Cornelius asked Peter to stay with them for several days.

1.        In the story of Peter and Cornelius, who did Peter say God sent?
a.       Nailed to a cross
2.       Who is Jesus Christ?
b.      three
3.       What did God anoint Jesus with?
c.       People under the devil’s power
4.       In the story of Peter and Cornelius, Peter said that Jesus went around doing good things and healing people who were under whose power?
d.      Holy Spirit and power
5.       How was Jesus put to death?
e.      Lord of all
6.       How many days later did God raise Jesus from the dead?
f.        Jesus Christ
7.       What did Jesus command the apostles to preach?
g.       Jesus Christ
8.       Jesus is the one who the prophets told about.  What did the prophets say?
h.      The Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the message Peter was giving
9.       While Peter was telling Cornelius and those with Cornelius about Jesus something happen.  What happen?
i.         Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water now that they have received the Holy Spirit
10.   After the Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and those with him.  What did Peter say?
j.        Everyone who believes in Him will have their sins forgiven in Jesus’ name
11.   Whose name did Peter baptize in?
k.       God chose Jesus to judge all people

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God's Anger at Sin

God’s Anger at Sin
This lesson is taken from Romans 1:18-30; Psalm 19:1-6; psalm 106:20; Jeremiah 10:12-16; Romans 6:23
Did you know that God shows His anger from Heaven against all sinful, wicked people who pushed the truth about God away from their selves?   The truth about God is known to all people.  This truth is naturally born in people, for God put this knowledge into their hearts.  From the time the world was created by God, people have seen the earth, the sky, and everything else that God made.  They can clearly see what God has done. 

People have no excuse what so ever for not knowing God!  For the heavens tell us of the glory of God.  The sky shows us, God’s beautiful work.  Day after Day the sky talks to us.  Night after night the sky makes God known to us.  The skies make no sound for their voice is silent, but still they talks to us.   Yet, their message has gone out to all the earth.  The sun lives in the heavens, where it was placed by God, and it shines forth with a bright light.  The sun rejoices like a great athlete who is eager to run the race.  It will rise at one end of the heavens and it follows a path to the other end of the heavens.  Nothing can hide from the heat of the sun.

Yes, everyone knows of God.  But everyone will not worship God or even give God thanks, for what He has done.  They began to think up foolish ideas, of what God is like.  Then what happens is their minds will become dark and confused.  They claim to be wise, but they become complete fools instead.  And instead of worshiping the great forever living God, they worship idols that are made to look like people, birds, animals, or even snakes.  These people have traded our great  God for a statue.  So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful thing their hearts desired.  The word shameful mean to do something that bring shame on yourself or family. 

So these people end up doing things that was full of shame and evil.  Instead of believing what they know was the truth about God; they on purpose chose to believe lies.  So they worshiped the things that God had made, but they didn’t worship God, the Creator, Himself.  God is to be praised forever!  God made the earth by His own power, and He protects it by His own wisdom.  He has extended or stretched out the heavens by his own understanding.

When God talks, there is thunder in the heavens.  He causes the clouds to rise over the earth.  He sends the lightning with the rain.  God let lose the winds from His storehouse.  Compared to God all people are foolish and they have no knowledge at all!  They make idols, but these idols will disgrace their makers, for they are not real.  They have no life or power in them.  Idols are worthless, for they are lies!  The time is coming when the idols will be destroyed!  But God is no idol.  He is the Creator of everything that exists.  The Lord Almighty is His name.

When people refuse to believe in God, He leaves them to their evil minds. Their lives become full of all sorts of things.
*  Wickedness                                 *  deception (something that is not true)
*  Sin                                                  *  malicious behavior (harmful behavior)
*  Greed                                            *  haters of God                                         
*  Hate                                               *  insolent (disrespectful )
*  Envy                                              *  proud
*  Murder                                         *  boastful
*  Fighting
These people are forever finding new ways of sinning and they don’t obey their parents.  They also do the following
·        refuse to understand
·        break their promises
·        heartless
·        unforgiving
They are fully aware of God’s death penalty for those who do these things, yet they will go right ahead and do them anyway.  And even worse, they will encourage others to do them, too!  They know that the pay for sin is death, but the free gift from God is eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.  For there is only one way to get to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ, who is our Lord.

There are no questions for this lesson. But, there is something to think about.  After reading the truth about God are you a believer or a non-believer?  Think about it!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Faith of the Roman Officer

Faith of the Roman Officer
Taken from Matthew 8: 5-10 and Matthew 8:13

When Jesus arrived in Capernaum, a Roman officer came to Jesus and pleaded with him.  He told Jesus that his young servant was in bed, paralyzed and that his’ servant was in a lot of pain.  Jesus told the Roman officer that he would go with him and heal the young servant.  But, the Roman officer told Jesus that he wasn’t worthy to have Jesus in his home.  If Jesus would just say the word from where he was at, then his servant would be healed.  The Roman officer knew that Jesus had authority from God, and that he could heal his servant.  Just think the Roman soldier had so much faith that he told Jesus “Just say the word from where you are at, and my servant will be healed.”  That meant that he believed that Jesus could heal his servant without having to touch him or even see him.  Now, the Roman officer knew all about authority, for his superior officers had authority over him.  That meant that he had to do what his superior officers told him.  And the Roman officer had authority over the soldiers that were under him.  The soldiers had to do whatever he told them to do.  If he told the soldiers to go somewhere they had to go, and if he told the soldiers to come there they had to obey.

When Jesus heard what the Roman officer had to say, he was amazed.  Turning to the crowd Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all of the land of Israel.”   Then Jesus told the Roman officer to go home, and what he believed would happen.  So the Roman officer young servant was healed that very hour.

Draw a line from the question to the correct answer

What did the Roman officer want Jesus to do?
That very hour
What was wrong with the Roman officer’s young servant?

How did the Roman officer want Jesus to heal his young servant?

He knew that Jesus had authority from God
What made the Roman officer think that Jesus could heal his servant?

He was paralyzed
Jesus hadn’t seen faith like the Roman officer had in all of the land of

Just by saying the word
Did Jesus heal the young servant?
Heal his young servant
When was the young servant healed?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

. At 12 years old Jesus goes to the Temple

This story is taken from Luke 2:41-52

Every year Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival.  When Jesus was twelve years old, they went to the festival as usual.  After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem.  Mary and Joseph didn't miss him at first, because they thought he was with his friends or among some of the other travelers.  But when Jesus didn't show up that evening, they started to look for him among their relatives and friends.  When they couldn't find Jesus, Mary and Joseph went back to Jerusalem to search for him.

It was three days later when they finally found Jesus.  He was in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, talking over deep questions with them.  Everyone who heard Jesus was amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Jesus' parents didn't know what to think about Jesus behavior.  His mother, Mary, said to him, "Son!  Why have you done this to us?  Your father and I have been worried, we have been searching everywhere for you."

But, Jesus asked her, "Why did you need to search for me?  You should have known that I would be in my Father's house."  But Mary and Joseph didn't understand what Jesus was saying to them.

Then Jesus returned to Nazareth with his parents and he obeyed them.  Jesus' mother, Mary, kept all of these things in her heart.

Jesus grew taller and he grew in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him.

Fill in blanks and answer questions:
  1. Every year Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, went to ____________________ for the _____________ festival.
  2. In our lesson how old is Jesus?  _____________
  3. After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in _________________________.
  4. Where did Mary and Joseph think Jesus was at?
    1.  ________________________
  5. When they couldn't find Jesus, Mary and Joseph went back to __________________ to search for him.
  6. How many days later was it when they found Jesus?
  7. Where was Jesus at when they found Him?
  8. What was Jesus doing when they found Him?
  9. Mary said to Jesus, " Son!  Why have you done this to us?  Your father and I have been ______________, we have been _________________ everywhere for you."
  10. Where did Jesus say she should have known He would be at? 
  11. Jesus returned to _________________ with his parents and He ______________ them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This story is taken from: Matthew 3:13-4:11; Mark 1:9-13; Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:1-13

One day Jesus went from Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to the Jordan River.  That was when crowds of people were being baptized by John.  Jesus himself wanted to be baptized by John.  But John tried to talk Jesus out of it.  John said to Jesus, "I am the one who needs to be baptized by you, so why are you coming to me?"  But, Jesus answered him, "It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires."  So John agreed to baptize Jesus.  After His baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, and was praying, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on Jesus.  And a voice from heaven said, "This is my dearly loved Son, in whom I am well please."

Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River, and Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.  Jesus was to be tempted there in the wilderness by the devil.  For forty days and forty nights Jesus fasted, that means that Jesus had ate nothing for the forty days and nights, and Jesus became very hungry.

During that time the devil came and said to Jesus, 'If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread."  But Jesus told the devil, "No!  The Scriptures (God's Word) say, that people do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Then the devil took Jesus to the holy city, Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and he said to Jesus, "If you are the Son of God, jump off!  For the Scriptures (God's Word) say, He will order his angels to protect and guard you.  And they will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone."  But, Jesus said," The Scriptures (God's Word) also say, you must not test the Lord your God."

Next the devil took Jesus to the highest point of a very high mountain and showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and all their glory.  Then the devil said, "I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them.  Because they are mine to give to anyone I please.  I will give it all to you, if you will kneel down and worship me."  But Jesus told the devil, "Get out of here Satan!  For the Scriptures (God's Word) say, that you must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him."

When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he went away and left Jesus until the next opportunity came.  Then angels came and took care of Jesus.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2a. The Birth of John the Baptist

This is taken from Luke 1:5-25; Luke 1:57-67
        During the rule of King Herod of Judea, there was a priest named Zach-a-ri-as, he served in the priestly group of A-bi-jah.  His wife Elizabeth was a member of the family line of Aaron.  They both were righteous in God's eyes.  They obeyed the Lord's commandments and rules without failure to do what was required of them.  They didn't have anychildren and now they both were well along in years.
        Once when Zach-a-ri-as group was serving as priest before God, they drew lots, according to the custom of the priesthood. (Drawing lots is something like drawing names to see who would go first.)  Zach-a-ri-as was chosen to go into the temple of the Lord to burn incenses to the Lord.  While he was burning the incense all the other worshipers who was gathered outside of the was praying.
       While he was in the temple an angel of the Lord apperard to him.  The angel stood at the right side of the altar of incense.  When Zach-a-ri-as saw the angel he was surprised and terribly afraid.
         But the angel said to him, "Don't be afraid, Zach-a-ri-as your prayer has been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will have a son, and you are to name him John.  Your son will bring you joy and gladness, and many will rejoice because of your son's birth.  For your son will be great in the sight of the Lord.  He is never to drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.  He will bring many of the people of Israel back to the Lord their God.  He will go on before the Lord, in the Spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the heart of the fathers to their children and the disobedient people to the wisdom of the righteous people to make the people ready and prepare them for the Lord."
        Zach-a-ri-as asked the angel, "How can I be sure of this?  I am an old man and my wife is well along in years."
        The angel answered, "I am Gabriel.  I stand in the immediate surrounding of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.  And now you will be silent and not be able to speak until the day the child is born, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at the proper time."
        Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zach-a-ri-as and wondering why he was staying so long in the temple.  When Zach-a-ri-as came out of the temple, he could not speak to the people.  Then they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them, but he remained unable to speak.
        When Zach-a-ri-as time of service was finished, he returned home.  After this his wife Elizabeth was with child and for five minths she stayed in private.  Elizabeth said, "The Lord has done this for me.  In these days the Lord has shown his favor and he has taken away my disgrace among the people."
        When it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son.  Elizabeth neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy.
        When the child was eight days old they came to circumcise him, and they were going to name the child after his father Zach-a-ri-as, but Elizabeth spoke up and said, "No!  He is to be called John."
        They said to Elizabeth, "There is no one among your relatives named John."
        Then they made sign to Zach-a-ri-as, to find out what he would like to name the child.  He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone's surprise he wrote, "His name is John."  As soon as he wrote that his mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed, and he began to talk, praising God.  The neighbors were all filled with surprise, and throughout the hill country of Judea people were talking about all these things.  Everyone who heard this wondered about it.  They were asking, "What then is this child going to be?"  For the Lord's hand was with him.